How our Services will bring your business to the cloud

The transformation from server based software to cloud based software as a service (SaaS) does not come from one day to another and not all at once - least of all in large enterprises, where business processes need to be adapted, employees need to be trained, some self sewn software stacks need to be abandoned, some meetings need to be held and some coffee needs to be drunk.

That's why we at Clouds Sky offer the whole range of needed skills when it comes to move big business to the cloud. We do frontend development, we do backend development, we consult clients which cloud platform is the best for their use case, design IT structures from the scratch, customize, deploy and monitor them. And we offer training for all of that, so IT changes won't be regarded as some obscure alchemy, but your employees will appreciate the ease of use of modern cloud computing.

Learn more about our Services

  • Web Development - Adapt, Connect and Migrate existing Systems and User Interfaces to cloud applications (Frontend & Backend)
  • Software Development - we develope cloud aware high performant hyperscale software applications from scratch
  • Training - Teach yourself and train your IT what's the value behind buzzwords like Docker, Kubernetes or OpenStack
  • Consulting - before rushing decisions on the golf course with long lasting amortization: Ask some experts which help evaluate the best matching cloud solution for your use case and business